Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Time and New Windows

Minnesota has had an early spring this year. It has been nice
not having snow or cold much of this March. Natalie is loving being able to go outside without a jacket.
On March 10th we went up to Jeff's grandparent's place to help cut down some trees. (Jeff's tough guy look and Charlie)

Little did we know that was the last time that we have seen snow this March because it has been so warm it has all melted.
We learned that Natalie Loves jumping in puddles!
Natalie also really likes to "garden" or just play in the dirt.
Charlie has been enjoying the weather also. He really likes it when I let him take naps in the stroller outside. He is growing so much. I put him on the scale when he was 5 weeks old and he was 12 lbs 0 oz . Charlie is a really easy little guy he, sleeps a lot and when he is awake he is a happy baby. 
I have been running around like crazy after 2 kids, 2 dogs and a husband.
I have my days down though so it is much easier to get stuff done now that I have gotten used to having 2 kids to take care of and I'm managing to keep the house picked up.
Jeff has been working non stop when he is home on the remodel job.
The dining room is almost ready to paint and the office has been gutted. On the 17th, Jeff and his dad Dale put in 2 new windows in the office.
It was a very exciting day for us!
Before, no windows on the North side of the office.(The office is right above Dale's truck)

As you may notice, we haven't quite finished painting the house brown yet. That will get done this Spring/Summer.
A picture in the middle of the process.
 The dogs were watching me take pictures so I took a picture of them.
Hank the the taller brown dog and Pepper is the shorter black dog.
and now for the finished product, our house with 2 more windows on the north side...
When the house is finished being painted it will look Amazing!!!
So much so that when we sell EVERYONE will want to buy it... at least I hope so

Friday, March 2, 2012

My life the last few weeks

Charlie is 3 weeks old and it feels like he has always been here with us.
Natalie loves to give Charlie kisses,
and she will say "I lobe Tarlie" 
Charlie is very strong and can lift his head up, he is also much more alert when he is awake. Most of the time he is sleeping though. 
Natalie has been getting 6 teeth in the last month so that has been
a fun challenge for us.

She is also talking more than ever. Every day she is learning new words. She is very helpful with Charlie and she has been helping to keep her toys picked up,
 she also has been helping set the table.
Natalie Loves to have people read to her especially when the books have animals in them. She loves her books just like her Mama.

Other stuff going on in our life Construction!!! 
As you know from my last post we are remodeling our dining room and soon to be starting the office.
Jeff and his family have been working hard and got a lot done in a week.
They gutted all the walls, then wired, added lights, put in 6" insulation, put up plastic over the insulation, put up sheet rock and did layer one of the tape and mud 
Before there wasn't any lights in this little alcove and now there is 2 and they are on a dimmer switch. Jeff is the best!!!
and this is a sneak peak and the light fixture we got. It will look better once the room is painted and is has its shades on.