Three years ago today was one of the hottest days of the Summer, our wedding day! Aside from the incredible heat it was a beautiful wedding, the best wedding I have ever been to. We got married on Jeff's parents farm on August 8, 2009. Even if you were not at our wedding you may remember the heat that day. It was so hot sweat just dripped without even moving and in the afternoon there were storms that created tornadoes in Mound, not to far from us. The storm missed us but we did get a quick rain shower (that cooled everything down) and some INCREDIBLE looking clouds!
Jeff is one of the most amazing people I know. Here are some things that make him so amazing!
He can do Just about anything he sets his mind to and do a good job at it.
He is alway willing to help others out when they ask.(but he isn't quick to ask for help)
He has almost gutted and re-built our whole first floor of the house.
He built me a really cute shed.
He can fix just about any computer problem.
He works very hard at everything he does.
So much so that just about everyone that stops working with him want him to come work with them at their new job.
He is supporting the family.
He is alway there when I need him.
He is an amazing cook and the best griller I have met or at least tried their grilling. (sorry dad)
He can hunt and fish.
He loves me.
He is crazy about our kids.
He can tell you who is singing on the radio just by the persons voice.
He isn't afraid to try new things.
He is my best friend.
He wants to move to a farm with me, and let me get animals.
He supports things I want to do.
These are just a few things I can think of.
I love my Jeffrey so much! I'm so glad I get to grow old with him
(sorry about the blog over load life have been crazy busy)
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