Charlie was born at 12:10 PM on February 9, 2012
20 1/2" long 9 lbs 3 oz
He was a very fast delivery 7 min of pushing total.
My Dr broke my water at 7:30 am
We walked the halls from 8-9 am
When I got back to the room the nurse put me on pitocin
an hour later I got the epidural and he was born 2 hours after that
Charlie is a happy baby and a good eater.
His big sister Natalie got to meet him yesterday
She likes to look at Charlie but doesn't want to hold him.
Its really cute to see her with him
She likes to poke at his face. Good thing she is gentle when she pokes.
We will be going home today (Friday) after lunch
So you will be able to visit us at home if you would like
Please call or text before you come out to make sure its a good time
Love Natalie's expression, with the finger to the chin. Oh he looks so sweet. So glad it all went well ... & fast! :)